Prague 5 - Malvazinky

The Malvazinky Cemetery is the resting place of great poets, writers, musicians and other important personalities for our culture. Our Poesiomat wants to enable their word and legacy to live on. Just a few meters from their graves. It actually gives the impression that the pipe's ear canal is going straight down into the ground. A voice form underground. There, in a small dungeon, the poet smokes, with a newspaper on the table, and recites to the person above who has just turned the handle of the Poesiomat.

The Poesiomat is located at the entrance to the cemetery so it is not disturbing the solemnity of the space.

Some people see a visit to a cemetery as a kind of pilgrimage to their favorite poet. They go to the grave, light a candle. To give thanks for his life's work, from which the pilgrim draws in his life.

A cemetery is a public space in a way. With Poesiomat, we would like to offer an intimate experience that can deepen awareness, offer an authentic insight into the minds of those who speak to us with the help of Poesiomat and attract more visitors. Not only those who go there to see their relatives.


Czech TV Report: Reportáž ČT


  • The Plastic People of the Universe
  • Milan Koch
  • František Vláčil
  • Karel Gott
  • Jan Neruda
  • Place kočka
  • Ladislav Klíma
  • Jakub Arbes
  • Petr Lébl
  • Milan Kozelka
  • Ferenc Futurista
  • Milan Machovec
  • Jiří Karásek ze Lvovic
  • Ondřej Sekora
  • Jiří Gruša
  • Eva Pilarová
  • Jiří Orten
  • The Plastic People of the Universe + Ladislav Klíma
  • Charles Baudelaire
  • Egon Bondy
realisation: 30.6.2021
address: U Smíchovského hřbitova 1, 150 00 Praha 5