
A majestic castle and chateau in one form. The monumental residence of the important noble family of Clam-Gallas has undergone many modifications over the centuries. Today, Frýdlant Castle is a real architectural jewel of the North Bohemian border region and the Jizera Mountains.

The castle itself has a special aura, which is reflected in world literature. The local castle is also the prototype of the eponymous novel by Franz Kafka. The world-renowned author himself visited Frýdlant several times and even recommended his beloved sister Ottle to study in Frýdlant.

The poem in front of the Frýdlant castle quotes from Kafka's diaries from the time of his stay here. It also offers an excerpt from Kafka's famous novel The Castle and Kafka's theme is interwoven with the witty poems of the artist Jiří Slíva. The popular actor Jakub Žáček will perform poems by his father, the prominent writer and poet Jiří Žáček, who has lived in Frýdlant for a long time. 

Listeners at Poesiomat will also laugh while listening to a report on the acoustic constant of Jára Cimrman "Jede pani Z Frýdlantu" or a funny story of the local castellan and writer Jiří Holub.

Poesiomats at castles were created with the support of the PPF Foundation.