Červená Lhota

In the midst of one of the thousands of South Bohemian ponds stands a structure like no other. The bright red castle reflects in the water's surface, its romantic charm attracting regular visitors, tourists, and filmmakers for decades.

The Poesiomat at Červená Lhota offers a selection of authors who have connected their lives with the castle and its surroundings. Through the work of former castle manager Jiří Holub, "Requiem Mass for the Countess," it tells the story of the forced expulsion of the estate's owners after World War II. An excerpt from the historical novel by the priest Bedřich Kamarýt from Deštná touches on the legend of the abduction of the castle lady by the devil.

The Poesiomat also includes musical excerpts and memories of the final years spent at Červená Lhota by the prominent European composer Karel Ditters von Dittersdorf. Attentive listeners will also learn that the nearby village of Deštná was once a renowned spa town.

The fairy-tale castle of Červená Lhota became a popular filming location, especially in the 20th century. Therefore, a significant part of the Poesiomat's programming is dedicated to film themes, offering popular songs from fairy tales such as "Goldilocks" and "On Happiness and Beauty."

Poesiomaty u hradů a zámků vznikly s podporou Nadace PPF.