
Renaissance pearl of South Bohemia.The Kratochvíle Chateau is a part of the over four-century-old, magnificent and diverse, yet now almost forgotten Netolická obora.Not only deer, but also buffaloes and even camels used to roam the three thousand hectares. It is no wonder that the later owner of the estate, Petr Vok of Rožmberk, himself liked the place and stayed here with his entire court. 

In the second half of the 20th century, the charm of the charming Renaissance chateau captivated the future castellan Vojtěch Troup. He first saw it as a small child, from the deck of an aeroplane on a sightseeing flight, for which he earned money by collecting paper. Vojtěch Troup then devoted his whole life to Kratochvíl. During his almost four decades as castellan, not only was the castle repaired and developed, but Kratochvíle also became an important centre of theatrical events. 

Poesiomat serves as a poetic medium for the memory of this remarkable place. It tells the story of its past and future, poems about Petr Vok, conveys the memories of the former eminent castellan and speaks in the voice of his energetic successor Petr Šmíd. The Peotická roura also sings in the voice of the Netoličtí vrabčáci children's choir and comes to life in a play by the local amateur theatre group.

Poesiomats at castles were created with the support of the PPF Foundation.